When forming a UK Company, you will be requested to detail SIC (Standard Industry Codes) for the business. Companies House do provide a pre-set list of SIC codes which you must select from. You must select at least 1 code, and can have up to a maximum of 4 in place.

We would recommend that you use SIC codes that gives as much of an accurate insight into your company’s business activities as possible. Ultimately, the General Public would see this information on Companies House site if they were to be looking into the company, therefore, you would want something in place which confirms you provide a service they are looking for.

With these codes being pre-set by Companies House, it is of course not possible for every single type of activity to be available. Therefore, if you are not able to find a code which describes exactly the services you provide, we would recommend simply using either a code detailing general services in your field or any other codes you believe are quite close to what you offer.

SIC codes do not restrict a company in any way. If you were to start offering services in other areas, you would not necessarily need to update SIC codes to reflect this unless you specifically wanted to make this clear. You could not be prevented from offering a certain service due to it not being listed as an SIC code on Companies House.

Order your company formation today


  • Companies House Fee Included
  • 2-3 Hour Formation*
  • Digital Documents


  • Companies House Fee Included
  • 2-3 Hour Formation*
  • Digital Documents
  • Printed Documents


  • Companies House Fee Included
  • 2-3 Hour Formation*
  • Digital Documents
  • Printed Documents
  • Company Embossing Seal
  • Embossing Wafers