1. Keep your address private. Many small businesses operate from home. This can save many new businesses a lot of money in the first few years. Unfortunately, it also means giving customers your home address. Using a virtual address service keeps your address off public websites and allows you to provide customers and suppliers with a real address. Do you really want your customers turning up at your house?
2. Permanently manned office. Our offices are open during normal office hours and staff are on hand all day which means you will never miss an important delivery or document that needs to be signed for on receipt. You can visit your customers without worrying if you are missing important letters, orders or payments.
3. Professional address. Does your existing address look like a residential location or an industrial unit? If a customer checks your location do you look like you are based in a commercial or business area of the town or will google maps show your true location.
4. Customer confidence. Customers want to see an address on your website. Using a virtual address allows you to display a real address for customers on websites, emails, and letters. Would you buy from a business that did not display an address or only offers a Royal Mail PO Box number?
5. One fixed address. A permanent address can save your business money and allow you to be flexible. Not all businesses are static and you may need to travel with your business or move into new regions as you expand. If you are managing a business from home you can move house or rent a new property without having to keep changing your business address.
A virtual address is more than a mail forwarding service. It provides your customers with a real address to write to and, importantly, send payments to. It allows you to focus on running your business without telling the world where you and your family live.
To find out how our service can help your business do not hesitate to give us a call or drop us an email. We support a wide range of business both in the UK and abroad. Whether just starting a new company or looking for the perfect address solution SFS can help your business grow.